Either way, I'm glad I finally got Meatcake in my life. But it also helps that she started these comics in the early 90s, long before the trendy boom of ye olde everything that's been happening among hip folks in the last few years. But despite the fantastical characters, old timey tropes/settings and the gothic flourishes, Dame Darcy has a certain je ne sais quoi - a wicked sense of humor and a touch of sarcasm seem the likely elements - that keep things from collapsing into the overly twee. How had I waited so long?! Sure, I'd seen snips and bits of it in the past, but something that delightful had been missing from my life for so damn long and it's all my fault! I think the best thing about Meatcake is that it could be a horribly precious thing in the wrong hands. 200 pages b/w illustrations.ĭame Darcy's Meatcake comics were something I knew about for an embarrassingly long time before snagging this compilation a week ago at my local library and plopping down on my bed to quickly devour it in a matter of days. She also has a huge following in the Goth community, who enjoy her wickedly ghoulish sense of humor and retro art style. Darcy's fans include many of her fellow cartoonists, and such similarly flamboyant personalities as Courtney Love (who once memorably guested on Darcy's cable TV show Turn of the Century ). Dame Darcy's Meatcake Compilation assembles in clothbound luxury the very best from the first decade of Meatcake (including "Hungry Is the Heart," the legendary collaboration with Watchmen's Alan Moore, a big Darcy fan who has worked with her on his ABC Comics)almost 200 pages of wild and woolly comics. Alternating between one-off (often cruelly tragic) fairy tales and ongoing romps starring her eclectic cast of characters, including Effluvia the Mermaid, the roguish roue Wax Wolf, Igpay the Pig-Latin pig, Stregapez (a women who speaks by dispensing Pez-like tablets through a bloody hole in her throat), the mischievous Siamese twins Hindrance and Perfidia, Scampi the Selfish Shellfish, the stalwart Friend the Girl, and the blonde bombshell Richard Dirt, all delineated in her inimitable luxurious scrawl, Meatcake is like a peek into the most creative, deranged dollhouse you ever saw. One of the most beguiling presences on the comics scene, Dame Darcymusician, actress, cable TV star, fortune teller, dollmaker, and last but not least, cartoonist to the corehas been bewitching readers for over ten years with her neo-Victorian horror/humor/ romance comic Meatcake. Victorian humor, horror, and romance from a unique comics stylist.