
The Vanishing Sky by L. Annette Binder
The Vanishing Sky by L. Annette Binder

The Vanishing Sky is about a family struggling to survive at a time when World War II is coming to an end. I wanted to not be sympathetic to them, or their situation, my deep-seated antipathy toward mid-century Germany and its people emerging from my psyche. I am not sure why, but I resisted the book and almost set it aside. Yet I found that it was much more difficult for me to get into than I anticipated. Initially, I was looking forward to reading a book that did not focus on the victims of Nazi Germany, but on Germans themselves. I did not know what to expect when I started reading The Vanishing Sky.

The Vanishing Sky by L. Annette Binder

Annette Binder – 9781635574678 – Bloomsbury Publishing – Hardcover – 288 pages – J– $27.00 – ebook versions for sale at lower prices

The Vanishing Sky by L. Annette Binder